world-class performance coaching for everyone

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mindflick, mindflick, mindflick, mindflick, mindflick, mindflick,

Web Portal


Mindflick is on a mission to make world-class performance coaching available to everyone, so people and teams can be the best versions of themselves.

They blend performance psychology, cutting-edge science and scalable technology to fine-tune mindsets in individuals and teams. Starting with the individual, they build a unique behavioural profile for each person and then set up a personalised schedule of smartphone nudges, to help keep them on track.

As well as a paper based version of the Spotlight questionnaire, Mindflick had been experimenting with a web based version. Once the user completes the web based form, they would gain access to their Spotlight profile via the Mindflick MVP mobile application (iOS and Android) for ongoing coaching.

Mindflick initially reached out to Studio Graphene seeking design consultancy services and assistance in creating a brand new web portal. They were also looking for help with integrating new features and functionality, and improving the overall user experience of their MVP app.


Mindflick’s approach involves using Spotlight, a personality tool that creates a bullet point breakdown of an individual’s behavioural mindset through a series of questions.

Our focus was on how best to iterate on the MVP making it fully functional, as well as defining the overall digital product strategy based on Mindflick’s product vision and goals. We worked closely with the Mindflick team brainstorming useful features and functionality - quickly getting clarity on what the product roadmap could look like.

We conducted in depth user research with Mindflick’s key clients including Coutts and the Royal Bank of Scotland analysing all the data captured before developing a plan including immediate and future feature sets. Having validated the requirements we then began user story mapping, defining how these new features would work within the web portal.

We had to work quickly with Mindflick to meet their development timelines and produced user flows, wireframes, high fidelity designs and a style guide based on a recent rebrand.

Our next task was to focus on the design of the MVP app and to integrate some of the new web portal’s features into it. To be as efficient as possible, we used what had already been mapped out, so we could deliver style guides and wireframes within a 5 week period. We collaborated closely with Mindflick’s dev team continuing to support them reactively when and where required.


Studio Graphene provided high level design consultation, and following in-depth user research, successfully helped define Mindflick’s overall digital product strategy and requirements. UI and UX designs were completed for the development of the web portal and mobile app on time and on budget. We continue to partner with Mindflick supporting their design team.



Studio Graphene provided high level design consultation, and following in-depth user research, successfully helped define Mindflick’s overall digital product strategy and requirements. UI and UX designs were completed for the development of the web portal and mobile app on time and on budget. We continue to partner with Mindflick supporting their design team.

Studio Graphene’s expertise and guidance have been invaluable, and they have been a pleasure to work with. They quickly captured the essence of Mindflick, and were able to help us translate our vision into an outstanding mobile and web app.

Tim Pitt Director at Mindflick
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